• P.O. Box 507, St. Davids, Ontario, Canada, L0S 1P0 

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Song Dog Digest: Alpha Gus

Posted Oct 18th, 2013 in Blog

Thank you for stopping by to learn about peaceful coexistence and coyote living in Niagara. To those of you that filled out the Urban Wildlife research questionnaire circulated during the first two weeks of October- we thank you for your participation! Over the past several months as you know we have been monitoring a local coyote family of five pups and a mated coyote pair. Very popular with local residents, the alpha male “Gus” was captured on many occasions using our trail cams, heading out to hunt for his five hungry pups and keeping vigil in his territory. We have been collaborating with research graduate, Calliope Gazetas to better understand human and coyote dynamics in urban settings where interactions may occur. Thus far, we have gathered images on the trail cam, conducted field investigations and provided community outreach to the residents that are living in close proximity to Gus and his family. We will keep you updated with the results of the questionnaire and the latest coyote happenings. In the meantime, please share our educational blog with your family and friends.

Song Dog Digest: Alpha Gus

COOL COYOTE FACT: Did you know that coyote parents bring ‘toys’ back to the den and rendezvous sites for the pups to interact with. Such play activity actually helps to build family bonds, survival skills and stimulates healthy pup development. The orange ball pictured was (one of many) that was taken by Gus or his mate and brought back for the pups to play with. Other popular items discovered included fishing bobs, golf balls and feathers.

For more information, to download free educational resources about successfully coexisting with this amazing and intelligent keystone species & how to wildlife proof your home click here.

Engage. Educate. Empower.

Coyote Watch Canada