Communities With Coyotes Matter
We lost a beautiful and sentient member in one of our communities yesterday. A Coyote life was taken on the streets of Toronto in a desperate but misinformed attempt by law enforcement to keep the public safe.
We lost a beautiful and sentient member in one of our communities yesterday. A Coyote life was taken on the streets of Toronto in a desperate but misinformed attempt by law enforcement to keep the public safe.
NEWS RELEASE: Ontario Wildlife at Risk from MNR Proposals Residents and municipalities urged to rally against changes! ONTARIO – Sweeping changes to the Ontario Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act could lead to ecological warfare in Ontario communities, the Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals warns.
Check out this article! A spring glimpse into the lives of Niagara’s Song Dogs. Thank you community neighbour, Walker Brothers Quarries for featuring coyotes in your newsletter!
“CORNWALL…Will you become the next leader for a Compassionate Wildlife Community?” We are hopeful that council will consider a reprieve for the Eamers Corners coyote(s) for the time being. We look forward to a potential visit with the community and providing non-lethal successful solutions for the residents there.
Residents of Eamers Corners in Cornwall, Ontario have petitioned the municipality to grant trapping as a means to kill coyotes. Many of the signatures are essentially from the same ten to twelve households. What is the true status of coyotes allegedly living in Eamers Corners?
Non-Lethal Goals Long term Solutions Coyote Strategy Framework Community Scientists Volunteer Recruitment Feeding Wildlife By-Law Media Networking Education and Awareness Hazing Techniques Seasonal Alerts Posting Coyote Awareness Signs Coyote Response Team CRT Partnerships
WHY? Thousands of cats come into the City’s shelter each year and only 3% of cats are claimed by their owners. With a Registration tag and/or microchip, a lost cat can be delivered home or staff can contact the owner as soon as the cat comes into the shelter
Join us on September 28th, 2012 for our Living with Wildlife event.
By Michael Howie Coyotes have been a part of my community for generations. But for most of that time, they were unseen, and rarely heard. In the last few years, sightings began.
SPRING 2012 CWC has recently added two new coyote coexistence documents to our education tool kit. We are excited about our Coyote Watch Canada Pamphlet which is now available on the City of Niagara Falls website.