• P.O. Box 507, St. Davids, Ontario, Canada, L0S 1P0 

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Coyote Watch Canada Blog

Misunderstood: The stories that don’t make headlines

Misunderstood: The stories that don’t make headlines

Posted Dec 8th, 2021 in Blog

If we wrote out a list of the most misunderstood animals in Canada, coyotes would be near the top. It seems like every time there’s a negative interaction between a coyote and a person or pet, it makes headlines. What doesn’t make the news? The peaceful coexistence that takes place between coyotes and humans across the country every day.

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Coexistence is a daily intention

Coexistence is a daily intention

Posted Oct 6th, 2021

Strategies to live alongside wildlife aren’t failing; it’s time for them to begin in earnest.

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Ethical Photography Values the Wellbeing of Wildlife

Ethical Photography Values the Wellbeing of Wildlife

Posted Sep 21st, 2021

What does this mean? It means attempting to capture a photo in a way that does not upset the behaviour or existence of the animal being photographed. It means keeping your distance as much as possible (to whatever a particular animal is comfortable with), and with today's camera technology, that's not too difficult to do! Use a telephoto lens, and even when using a lens that's not super long, with the resolution of modern digital cameras and current editing software, it's very easy to crop a...

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Coyote Watch Canada statement on Stanley Park coyotes

Coyote Watch Canada statement on Stanley Park coyotes

Posted Sep 2nd, 2021

Following the announcement that more coyotes will be killed, we are left feeling anger, sadness and frustration that opportunities to prevent this outcome were ignored or missed.

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Watch media sensationalize a coyote story on live television

Watch media sensationalize a coyote story on live television

Posted Aug 31st, 2021

Dr. Shelley Alexander’s nuanced explanations of coyote behaviour filtered down to one simplistic statement while interviewing on Morning Live.

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Reading past fear: how to de-sensationalize the news

Reading past fear: how to de-sensationalize the news

Posted Jun 3rd, 2021

Coverage of wildlife encounters frequently use sensationalized language and opinions, leaving facts to be unearthed by readers.

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ACTION ALERT: Stop coyote killing contest in Ontario

ACTION ALERT: Stop coyote killing contest in Ontario

Posted Feb 9th, 2021

Contest could also put at-risk Algonquin wolf at risk. Take action to end it!

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CWC and Lauren Van Patter on Defender Radio

CWC and Lauren Van Patter on Defender Radio

Posted Jan 29th, 2021 in Blog

Lauren Van Patter and Lesley Sampson discuss why sometimes "hazing" works and sometimes it seems it doesn't on the Defender Radio podcast.

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Harmful handouts - What's love got to do with it?

Harmful handouts - What's love got to do with it?

Posted Dec 22nd, 2020 in Guest Blog

As many of you know I am a wildlife photographer, what most don't know are the hours, patience, cost, and dedication it takes to catch a glimpse of an animal. Sometimes we are given chances where time stands still and we can capture them in their natural habitat from a safe distance. Other days we are out from sunrise to sunset and don't find anything.

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Human-wildlife conflict: why relocation doesn’t work

Human-wildlife conflict: why relocation doesn’t work

Posted Nov 12th, 2020

A primer on why relocation, trapping and other mitigating efforts don’t resolve conflict with wildlife and can actually create it.

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Coyote Watch Canada