• P.O. Box 507, St. Davids, Ontario, Canada, L0S 1P0 

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Coyote Watch Canada Blog

How Coyote Got His Markings By Kirsten Rose

Posted Jul 9th, 2014 in Blog

Coyote sat atop the cliff and jealously watch as Crow floated and soared above him. Crow’s magnificent, strong wings glistened in the sun with sparkles of feathers so black they appeared blue. The swooshing sound was deafening as they pushed against the air in the process of keeping Crow aloft.

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Coexisting with Coyote

Coexisting with Coyote

Posted Jun 13th, 2014 in Blog

Cassandra Robertson was looking for her missing cat when she found the first victim. Before dying, the coyote had chewed off some of its leg. Her shock turned to disgust when she found a live raccoon in another trap.

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Spring Has Sprung! Coyote Connections

Spring Has Sprung! Coyote Connections

Posted May 31st, 2014 in News and Events

Song Dogs! We know you all care very much about the wildlife in your community. Coyote Watch Canada hotline is receiving a significant increase in the volume of coyote and fox sightings which are typical for this time of the year.

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Families Saving Families Once again

Families Saving Families Once again

Posted May 14th, 2014 in News and Events

How a compassionate family reached out across Canada to Coyote Watch, embarking on a life changing journey which saved nine beautiful coyote pups… On Friday, April 25th, my sister received a text from our uncle stating how he had found some newborn pups of some sort whilst checking on the family farm.

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Coexistence Without Borders: Indonesia

Coexistence Without Borders: Indonesia

Posted May 10th, 2014 in Blog

From the suburbs of Eastern Pennsylvania to the Bridger mountain range in South Western Montana, my eagerness to continue my environmental education has brought me many exciting places, in which I have been able to promote compassionate coexistence with wildlife.

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Coyote Families in the Wild

Coyote Families in the Wild

Posted Apr 29th, 2014 in Blog

With the arrival of denning season, I want to look at how coyotes raise families in the wild—a place free from human harassment and hunting. For me, that place is Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley, where I lived and volunteered during three winters. And where I was lucky enough to observe coyotes.

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How Many Wolves Matter?

How Many Wolves Matter?

Posted Apr 25th, 2014 in Blog

British Columbia Plays the Numbers Game No one is really sure just how many grey wolves there are in B.C.. It is estimated that there are roughly 8,500 grey wolves in B.C.. Perhaps in some locations as meager as 5,300, other locations 11,600.

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 Reflections on Celebration of Wildlife

Reflections on Celebration of Wildlife

Posted Apr 16th, 2014 in Blog

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead The morning is beautiful, crisp, clean and cool.

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One Hunter's Bullet

One Hunter's Bullet

Posted Apr 9th, 2014 in Blog

Note from Rick: “Thanks to all of you for the strong response to my first post about the impact of hunting on wolves. This is a testimony to how we see the similarity between the family bonds of wolves and those of coyotes.

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"Just A Coyote"

Posted Mar 16th, 2014 in Blog

More thoughts from the field by Rick Lamplugh’s Coyote Watch. Living and volunteering at Yellowstone’s Lamar Buffalo Ranch, Mary and I always ask visitors, “What animals have you seen today?” Sometimes the answer—tinged with disappointment—is “Just a coyote.”

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Coyote Watch Canada